I could never say no to sinking my teeth into a design challenge, and this one really got my juices flowing. The only requirements were to include the (fabulous) #Plum. Wine Dispenser and flooring by #Revelwoods in a room that is NOT the kitchen, with the idea of decentralizing the kitchen in everyday life. Hmmm…my imagination went wild and I immediately envisioned a dark room with sexy vibes…a room you’d want to sip wine in and sit for a long time discussing the meaning of life, and then the afterlife, and then have to forcefully tear yourself away from to get back to reality. A room for which you’d wish you had the perfect someone to pose the question, “Shall we go someplace we can talk?” …and end up in that room with them, dreamily getting to know them on a deeper level. This room would, of course, have a fireplace, and be real nice and loungey. And since we all have a large library or a sitting room at home in our everyday lives, it was decided! (What better time to bring your dreams to life than a design competish during a year-long lock-down?) I knew this room would need an austere, magnificent fireplace mantel, and this one really took the cake. Once it took the center stage I knew we needed some minimal built-in cabinetry to flank it, and to house the #Plum. wine dispenser. It wasn’t hard to pick from #RevelWood’s gorgeous natural wood flooring selection… their darkest finish, ‘New German Town’ hit the mark, and the rest of the design was simply (more) cake! Art to invoke conversation, stocked wine fridge not to be outdone by several coffee options, and plenty of reading in case you’d managed to slip away alone. I myself will be spending LOTS of time in this room. And as we wrap up this absolutely insane worldwide pandemic, lick our wounds and move forward with all the lessons, good and bad, that have been culled over a solid year of stay-at-home, I really hope this room lets YOUR imagination soar too…
Shall we go someplace we can talk?
Thank you @eDesigntribe @eDesignplatform @revelwoods @plum.wine @jenna.gaidusek and @sarah.durnez for keeping our creative juices flowing!!
eDesign Tribe: https://edesigntribe.com
Plum: https://plum.wine
RevelWoods: https://www.revelwoods.com